Day 4:Monday 23rd March 2020: School of Murray

So, day 4 of this blog. This being the biggest change to our lives so far, the first day of schooling at home.

For now, Alyson is still at work so it’s down to me on my days off from work to be Mr McMillan, teacher extraordinaire, like 1000’s of parents up and down the country.

I was determined to hit it head on, and try and look on it positively, despite shitting myself really (school and me never really clicked)

We got up, and decided to start the day with exercise, again like many others by following TV/YouTube guy, Joe Wicks with his 30 min ‘PE with Joe’ session.

Eilidh, Niamh and I got stuck in, I have been training a lot so I really pushed myself as well as coaching the two girls through as much as possible. We actually had a great laugh and Joe’s to be commended for this, he had 860,000 streams on YouTube at one point, with say 3-4 people in each house doing it- that’s a LOT of people. Good to get moving in the morning so get it done people.

Then, washed and changed and into the lessons for the day, which included spelling, reading and writing in the morning, and maths and electronics (Sumdog) in the afternoon. When done, we managed into the garden and I did another HIIT session with weights, resistance bands and sprints up and down the lane we I live on. The neighbours kids must have been wondering who the madman running up and down the lane was! Still, felt good and I closed my rings on my Apple Watch (does anyone else get annoyed when they don’t close them?)

Then, as Eilidh and Niamh have been missing their friends so much, we did a ‘Zoom’ call. This was magic, and the kids all loved it. They were on for ages!! Defo a way to keep kids together if you haven’t tried it.

Then, kids to bed, Alyson home from work and I prepped dinner listening to The Fujicast podcast, which is a brilliant photography podcast by Neale James and Kevin Mullins. It’s daily at the moment, which is really nice to listen to during this bonkers time.

Then, the announcement I knew was coming. Didn’t watch much of BoJo- clown of a man, and instead tuned into Nicola Sturgeon’s briefing. LOCKDOWN. How did we get here? Still cant believe it.

So, watched Homeland (final season and it’s so good!) before bed and wondering how this will affect me, the family and also my weddings which I have booked in this year. Not to mention the other job.

Day 1 of home schooling done. Wasnt THAT and I dont think.

All images again with the Fujifilm X100V. I am loving this little thing.

We shall see. Is anyone reading these? Leave a comment below!

Murray McMillan

Happy Dad, Husband, Firefighter, Photographer. 

Not always in that order.

Day 5: Tuesday 25th March 2020


Day 3: Sunday 22nd March 2020: Mother’s Day