Day 5: Tuesday 25th March 2020

Day 5, and the morning after lockdown. Up and about, and started the day with Joe Wicks’ YouTube workout with the kids again.

Bathtime for the girls, and then back for more home schooling. The girls made rainbows for the windows with ‘Stay Safe’ on them.

Managed a workout again in the garden, before dinner and watching ‘Hunters’ on Amazon Prime with a G and T (less calories!)

Didn’t take that many photos today. Some days it’s like that. One of those days today, feeling a bit weird about all of this shit and how it’s affecting all of us.

Stay Safe


Geek info: photos with Fujifilm GFX50R and GF50mm F3.5 lens.

Murray McMillan

Happy Dad, Husband, Firefighter, Photographer. 

Not always in that order.

Day 6: Wednesday 25th March 2020


Day 4:Monday 23rd March 2020: School of Murray