
So, here we are again. January 2021, and another lockdown. I honestly cant believe we are back here again.

2020 came and went, and looking back- the last time I posted anything on this site was back in August, which seems like a lifetime ago. So much seems to have happened, but then again probably not very much, if that makes sense?

Photography in 2020 was, to put it bluntly: Shite!

I shot two weddings out of what was supposed to be my busiest year, both of which were really cool, with the loveliest people, but the amount of postponements was bananas. Understandable, but bananas.

I really feel for all the couples who’ve had to change plans, again and again, which obviously has a huge impact on them, their families, and also, the suppliers like myself, videographers, florists, venues, everyone. Still, we got on with it. I am lucky, I have my ‘real’ job, and seeing so many of my friends in the industry really struggle has been equally hard, with next to no support from the governments. I drank a LOT of beer to get through it :)

Will 2021 be any different? Got to hope so!

Family wise, we knuckled down and got on with 2020. The kids were great, we both worked through, and we just got on with it as best we could.

2021- I made an effort to start taking photos again- taking a camera with me as much as I could. I always have my iPhone, and considered doing a project taking photos with just that- the camera itself on the 12 Pro Max is amazing, but it just doesn’t do it for me.I cant take photos on a phone.

So, for 2021 so far it’s been my Fujifilm X100V, which is by far and away my favourite camera I’ve ever owned. I’ve also been trying to shoot JPEG only, using ‘recipes’ for film simulations, to spend as little time at the Mac, and more with the family, and the camera. I’ve also picked up some work, but the pandemic is making it difficult to get going with. Watch this space!

Fitness wise, it’s back to home and garden workouts. I am more obsessed with ‘closing my rings’ on my Apple Watch than ever. Dearie me!

Also been listening to more music than ever, if that’s possible. Finally got my Record Player sorted, with an amazing Xmas present to get it on the go. Playing records is SO nice, totally chills me out.

I decided to maybe start blogging again- I did this last year on a daily basis for a while, but it became too much, so I will do it sporadically, as and when I feel like it.

Would love anyone that follows along to leave me a comment, chat, anything to make it feel worthwhile. I’ll probably blog some weddings as well if anyone would like to see some.

Anyway, here’s 2021 in photo form so far. A fairly mixed bag of photographs you will see. Us, Gourock (we cant go anywhere else!), Monopoly (Niamh won!), Records, and whatever else ended up in front of the X100V.

Stay safe, say hello, take care of yourselves, especially some of my closest family and friends who are going through a hard time, you know who you are.

Different Days are coming.



Current tune playing: London Grammar- ‘Strong’

Murray McMillan

Happy Dad, Husband, Firefighter, Photographer. 

Not always in that order. 


Damon Albarn- live at St Luke’s Glasgow


Paths for all- humans of the walk