Day 2: Saturday 21st March 2020

Day 2 started with finishing nightshift, and driving home. On the way home I noticed that the queues for the shops were busy already, even at 8am there was a huge queue outside Aldi in Greenock. I wondered to myself how long this will go on for. At least they seem to be stopping bulk buying.

I got home, and the house was quiet, all three McMillan girls were still in bed, and enjoying a snooze. Fixed breakfast for myself, which today was Porridge, Banana, and a little bit of jam for a sweet hit. I’ve been eating really healthily for over a week now, and training as well at the gym in work, and at the local gym before they closed down. I need to keep this going.

Anyway. Eilidh is up first, she’s then a dinosaur, we have a cuddle and a hug and have 20 mins or so just the two of us before Niamh, and finally Mum is up after what I guess could be classed as a long lie, well the best you can get with two little girls I guess.

Housework, showers and as the weather was decent, we decided to go out for a walk together, but somewhere were we would likely be away from others, in the current climate.

We had lunch, which was Slice Saturday (square sausage for the uninitiated) which was slice, potato scones and HP sauce for me. I even allowed myself a roll to have it on. Not that healthy eh? Still, it wont hurt once a week.

Then up and out. Ditched the car at KipMarina and then into Ardgowan Estate, one of my fave places in the world to go. The girls were excited to see the horses, sheep and it’s just so cool to see how kids are with all of this going on. I am determined not to let it ruin their time, where possible.

A few people passed us, we all kept our distance and nodded and said hello. Again, I thought how long will we be like this, it’s certainly a strange (but necessary) feeling.

We had a great walk around the estate, and got lucky when I spotted Sir Ludo who owns the estate. Again, keeping distance I gave him a call and asked if the girls could see more of the other areas. I’ve known Ludo a few years now, having shot weddings here- I have one this year again, which I am so looking forward to Natalie and Brian, if you are reading this.

Anyway- too much waffle from me. Some photos as always of my girls, Alyson and what we got up to. Can you spot Ghostly Horse? :)

Nightshift followed.

Huge thanks to Ludo for having us around. Made two little girls very happy mate, and I cant wait to be back down when all this is over.

Photo Geeks- again, all shot with the new Fujifilm X100V.

Any comments, questions welcome below. Say hello- make me feel like this is all worthwhile!

Stay safe


Murray McMillan

Happy Dad, Husband, Firefighter, Photographer. 

Not always in that order.

Day 3: Sunday 22nd March 2020: Mother’s Day


Day One: Friday March 20th, 2020